DOM0 Access

Last Modified: 05/30/2014 at 13:46 | Release:

Avance R4.0.0.7 release adds support for accessing DOM0.   A new user called dom0user has been added with a default password of dom0user to provide this access.  The dom0user has root privileges when using the sudo command.   Note that not all commands require root privileges.  For those that do sudo can be used.

It is strongly recommended that the dom0user password be changed immediately after upgrade as described below. Access to DOM0 using dom0user is for diagnostic purposes only.   Modifications to the base Avance product without the approval of Stratus Technologies are not supported.

  1. Attach a keyboard and monitor to either of the physical nodes
  2. Login in to the physical console with the username/password combination dom0user/dom0user.
  3. Change the dom0user password when prompted
  4. Access to the system is limited to a keyboard and monitor attached to the physcial system after upgrade. If network based access is desired then enable remote access prompted.

The pasword change and remote access enable are applied to both nodes so it is only necessary to do this from a single node.  The password will be set to the same value on both nodes.

Once these settings have been changed the user will no longer be prompted to change them at dom0user login.  Future upgrades, node replace, and recover operations will also maintain these settings.

Changing the password after initial login

Enter the following command to change the password again at any time:

  1. Login in to the console of either node
  2. Enter this command:  rm /usr/lib/dom0user/.passwdChanged
  3.  Logout
  4. Login as dom0user again.   This will once again prompt the user to change the password and once done will be applied to both nodes.

Changing remote acces after initial login

To change the remote access

  1. Login in to the console of either node
  2. Enter this command:  rm /usr/lib/dom0user/.accessChanged
  3.  Logout
  4. Login as dom0user again.   This will once again prompt the user to enable or disable remote access setting and once done will be applied to both nodes.

A sample login session from the console:

Authorized users only
Avance Unit Summary:
DNS Servers:
Local PM Summary:
node is primary
IPV6 link-local: fe80::226:b9ff:fe55:5fd4/64
Stratus Avance Server R4.0.0.7 (svn:58199M)
node1 login: dom0user
Password: dom0user
WARNING: Dom 0 login is supported for diagnostic purposes only. Do not
make any modifications to the base product. Changes to Dom 0 without
the approval of Stratus Technologies are not supported.
The dom0user password has not been changed.
Would you like to change it now? (y/n):
Changing password for user dom0user.
Changing password for dom0user.
(current) UNIX password:
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
The dom0user password has been changed on this node.
The dom0user password has been changed on the peer node.
Remote access for dom0user is currently disabled.  Would you like to enable it (y/n)?
Remote access for dom0user will be enabled.
Successfully enabled dom0user remote access on this node.
Successfully enabled dom0user remote access on the peer node.
[dom0user@node1.avance ~]$

On future logins only the WARNING banner will be displayed. When performing a node replacement or recovery the password and remote access settings will be applied to the replaced/recovered node.  Password and remote access settings are also retained on upgrade.

Remote Node Access

Once remote access has been enabled the primary node can be accessed using putty or plink or whatever access tool the user would like.   SSH should be used.  Putty and plink can be downloaded from the site.

A few examples below:


A putty ssh session can be established using the IP address of the Avance Unit (can be found in the UI header):




Using plink installed on a Windows desktop a command can be run on the primary node.  In this example the hostname command is run and returns the name of the primary node:

C:\>plink -ssh -l dom0user -pw dom0userpassword “hostname”

Note that the use of sudo was not required in this example.


C:\>plink -t -ssh -l dom0user -pw dom0userpassword “sudo tail /var/log/messages”

May  8 12:01:01 localhost kernel: imklog 4.6.2, log source = /proc/kmsg started.
May  8 12:01:01 localhost rsyslogd: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="4.6.2
" x-pid="5132" x-info=""] (re)start
May  8 12:01:02 localhost PcapScrub: Scrubbed 0 files, removing 0 bytes of the 0
 bytes currently in /var/log/pcap
May  8 12:10:01 localhost init: Connection from private client
May  8 12:20:01 localhost init: Connection from private client

Note that the use of sudo was required in this example. The –t option is required in order to execute sudo.


This example shows the use of the ipmitool from a putty session to get BMC information.  In this case we are listing sensor  types:

[dom0user@node1.avance ~]$  ipmitool -v sdr type list

Sensor Types:
        Temperature                     Voltage
        Current                                Fan
        Physical Security                Platform Security
        Processor                            Power Supply
        Power Unit                         Cooling Device
        Other                                   Memory
        Drive Slot / Bay                  POST Memory Resize
        System Firmwares             Event Logging Disabled
        Watchdog                           System Event
        Critical Interrupt                Button
        Module / Board                 Microcontroller
        Add-in Card                        Chassis
        Chip Set                              Other FRU
        Cable / Interconnect        Terminator
        System Boot Initiated       Boot Error
        OS Boot                               OS Critical Stop
        Slot / Connector                System ACPI Power State
        Watchdog                           Platform Alert
        Entity Presence                  Monitor ASIC
        LAN                                      Management Subsystem Health
        Battery                                 Session Audit
        Version Change                  FRU State


To execute a command on the peer node from a putty session:

[dom0user@node1.avance ~]$ sudo ssh peer “ls /var/log/messages”

To execute the same command on the peer node using the plink command:

C:\>plink -t -ssh -l dom0user -pw dom0userpassword “sudo ssh peer ls /var/log/messages”